Smart Watches & Skin Woes!

I do not personally own one, probably due to being old school & trained not to wear wrist watches in my professional role, however, on a lot of FB forums I see more and more people complaining of skin complications and I dish out advice regularly to my Ohh! family regarding these skin woes that occur with smart watches.

Smart watches are rarely removed due to their nature and use; however, the skin underneath is not ever getting a chance to breathe. With a combination of the usually harmless bacteria and friction under the device the skin may become prone to irritation and rashes.  That warm moist environment is the perfect breeding ground for micro-organisms. One study carried out, revealed 300 x higher levels of organisms were present under these watches, particularly staphylococcus, in these conditions the skin will react! The dirt can also cause interference with sensor performance.

So here are some Top tips.

  • Give your skin a rest, let it breathe, maybe once a day whilst chilling.

  • Keep it clean, mild soap or antibacterial wipes, especially after exercise.

  • Do not wear it too tight, this will obstruct sweat glands and contribute to irritation.

  • Take it off whilst showering, clean your wrist and dry it thoroughly.

Everyone’s skin is unique dermatologists have reported allergies from the nickel and clasps on these watches therefore research your product choice before purchasing and consider durable plastics with perforated grid straps.

Most importantly if you have skin concerns seek professional advice, we are happy to help at Ohh!